How to distinguish and apply 90 degree and 45 degree elbows

What is a 90 degree elbow

What is a 45 degree elbow

Application of 90 degree and 45 degree elbows

What to pay attention to when buying elbows

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In the pipeline system, elbow is a pipe fitting that changes the direction of the pipeline.

According to the angle, there are three most commonly used elbows: 45°, 90° and 180°.

In addition, according to project needs, other abnormal angle elbows such as 60° are also included.

Elbow materials include cast iron, stainless steel, alloy steel, malleable cast iron, carbon steel, non-ferrous metals and plastics, etc.

What is a 90 degree elbow

The 90-degree elbow is the most commonly used product among elbow accessories.

It is mainly responsible for connecting pipe fittings that need to be docked.

In some cases, right-angle pipe connections are required, and only 90-degree elbow sizes can successfully complete the connection.

In the field of engineering, there are also various elbow products with different angles for selection, and the materials are rich and diverse, including metal, plastic and alloy.

What is a 45 degree elbow

A 45-degree elbow is a pipe fitting commonly used in piping systems that has an angle of 45 degrees and is used to change the direction of the pipe.

The calculation of 45-degree elbow usually involves parameters such as pipe diameter, angle, and bending radius.

Application of 90 degree and 45 degree elbows

Application90-Degree Elbow45-Degree Elbow
Change in DirectionUsed to redirect the flow of fluidUsed to redirect the flow of fluid
by 90 45 degrees.
Space ConstraintsOften used in tight spaces whereProvides a smoother change in
a right-angle turn is required.direction compared to 90 degrees,
suitable for limited space.
Reduced TurbulenceCan cause more turbulence in theOffers a smoother transition,
flow due to the sharper turn.reducing turbulence in the flow.
Specific ApplicationsCommon in residential plumbingCommon in industrial applications
systems, HVAC systems, and generalsuch as oil and gas pipelines,
piping layouts.where gradual turns are needed.
Material CompatibilityAvailable in various materialsAvailable in various materials
like PVC, copper, steel, PVC, copper, steel, etc.
Welded or ThreadedCan be found in both welded andAvailable in both welded and
threaded configurations.threaded configurations.

What to pay attention to when buying elbows

  • Need to pay attention to the material of the elbow
  • Need to pay attention to the size of the elbow
  • Determine whether anti-corrosion elbow is needed
  • Pay attention to the wall thickness of the elbow.

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